Inconspicuously Human

2 min readNov 25, 2021

I am writing from a place which can kill in winters and if you are alone, can give you insomnia.

I am writing after a long time a review for a book which is worth it. Worth the solitude and the quiet of dark cold mountains.

Uday Singh ensnares a series of relevant and interesting psychological experiments that are a play on the mind or can be inferred with astute observations and satiate your curiosity. The winning factor of this neurological porn of a book is an attempt to extend the scope of the experiments to explain behaviours or tendencies we experience in our daily lives - all accomplished with skillful writing and psyche. A coherent approach with ample evidentiary value- Uday Singh offers a range of exemplary topics to discuss of and also gives 'Author’s free-form perspective' at the end of every chapter which forms the basis of the book- that a lot can be explained with a lot but a little is actually needed if told in the right way.

One thing which I am excited about is why the author chose the questions and experiments he chose to talk about and a suggestion hereby- that a collection of such scholarly work might become a great pandora of knowledge. A series of books exploring more? A worthwhile consideration for a man who has made me think about a lot of things in the last 24 hours. There are otherwise nature friends and ancient music which I am devouring.

Sour wisdom drops with facts and stats- the book is a breezy read. Our impressions and expectations of others may cause others to behave in a way that matches our expectations and this book expounds many such tell alls, Flea and Woodblock experiment, Goal Setting Theory etc- plethora of observations.

I love how Uday talks about each chapter as an argument or a hypothesis which is tested through compiled research and experiments- all discussed in a variantly unique style. As a thinker, he is a powerhouse of ideas and he has captured well what wikipedia or your professor cannot about some very basic yet important questions which must have passed through your minds at least once at some point in life... I know mine did... as I sit whispering lullabies to faeries in a forest..





Amazon Blogger Of The Month 2020 I Write/Review/Hygge/Binge watch/Research . Read 2.5 K📖 then stopped counting °♌ "Manuka Tint" & Sontag's Sis